Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Neurological Memories

Pain is a word that is as hard to define as "love" and "hate". It is an overused, over  exaggerated, and misunderstood term that has encompassed a large part of the last 13 years for me. Each and every day I struggle with the physical reality that I am hurting. BUT.......each and every day I am encouraged that because my God is an awesome God, who can do all things, I am being continuously educated (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually) on the multi-faceted aspects of PAIN and why I was chosen. 

Occasionally I search the internet for terms or ideas just to see what I come across. This morning I wanted to know of "creative ways of dealing with pain". Seriously, something as simple as (my FAVE) digging for seashells can distract me from the skin peeling pain I go through daily. I came across an article on the AARP website from July 23, 2012 (http://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-07-2012/treating-chronic-pain-without-drugs-oz.html) that indicated that "...nerves may actually hard-wire that pain into a kind of neurological memory, so even when the original cause of the pain is gone, you still hurt." Now doesn't that make sense. Now I know there are pains I have that clearly are NOT memories but is it always? And if the pain is memory, does it then trigger the real pain? Dominos. I am playing dominos. 

My journey of pain and life thereafter is ongoing. With every little tidbit of information I am encouraged that there is always hope that this day will be a great day!!! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time. Where is it's truth?

I am no true blogger. Heck, for the 4 hours a day I actually get to sleep (4? Really? Lucky me!), I don't have much time to do all the things my overactive heart desires, much less "blog". My journaling has turned into more of a quarterly sporadic scrapbook fest. Little "tokens" of memories that I place away so I can return to them when my soul yearns to travel to the past and pluck the memories from my mind like classification cards at the library or rolodex (like, who uses either one anymore, right?).

But the truth of the matter is that time is a thief! It steals from us every single heart beating moment leaving behind only a memory if you were fortunate enough to pay attention. It was just a moment ago that I was 16 years old counting down the days until my "life" began. It was just a few moments after that that I held my youngest daughter, attempting to treasure every moment I had with her knowing she would be my last. And yet here I am, several weeks from my last journal entry, with not much to show for it except a messy house and painfully dominant headache.

So, while Time is a thief and I am unable to stop him, how do make each moment last forever? For it is only in this moment that I live......
