Saturday, May 23, 2009

Soul Mates

As I watch the man I love,
Sleep and dream yet not in good health
My heart is burdened by fear unknown
That only God can fill.

Things we don't understand and
Knowledge we choose to ignore
My friend, lover. My half of me..
Please be safe, please grow strong, please know God has you in His hands.

I can't live without you, my love.
Forever on earth is not long enough
Eternity in Heaven is a dream to fulfill
Surrounded by the glory of God and His promise fulfilled.

All the love in me has been provided by you and even you brought me back to God when I was lost.
For all great things in life come at at cost.
Jesus loves our children but blesses our marriage.
I touch you ever so gently in the night with the strange sounds in the backgroup of the IV drip and you seem so delicate. I feel like craddling you in my arms and reassuring myself that YOU know just how much YOU mean to me and how blessed i so truly am.

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